Call for Proposal in Nigeria for Grants to Support Women Organisations

Call for Proposal in Nigeria for Grants to Support Women Organisations

Call for Proposal in Nigeria for Grants to Support Women Organisations

Call for Proposals for Nigeria - Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund & Spotlight Initiative.

The Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund is pleased to announce its call for proposals in Nigeria.

The WPHF is governed by a Funding Board at the global level, which is comprised of four UN entities (currently UN Women, UNDP, UNFPA and PBSO), four donor Member States (currently Austria, Canada, the Netherlands and Norway), as well as 4 Civil Society Organizations (currently Cordaid, GNWP, APWAPS and WANEP).

This year, the Spotlight initiative and the WPHF will partner in six countries (the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda) to channel quality funding to small, local and grassroots women-led and women’s rights organizations, as well as women’s funds, contributing to results under Outcome Area 6 of the Initiative’s Theory of Change.

The grants will focus particularly on ending violence against women and promoting women’s human rights and gender equality in peace and security contexts.

The focus of the WPHF Spotlight call will be on women-led, women’s rights organizations representing and working on behalf of groups facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as those marginalized and excluded due to poverty, ethnicity, disability, age, geography, migratory status, HIV status, among others, which is in clear alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the principle of leaving no one behind in EVAW programming.


  • WPHF seeks to fund qualifying projects in Nigeria that are high impact, innovative, and contribute directly to the following objectives:
  • Influence and advance progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) and ending violence against women and girls (EVAWG), including sexual and gender based violence / harmful practices (SGBV/HP)
  • Enhance women and girls’ safety, security and human rights
  • Grant Amount and Duration of Proposals
  • Each country will receive approximately 1 million EUR from the WPHF, making the total WPHF envelope for the region EUR 6 million. However, as this is a pooled fund there is no guarantee that sufficient high-quality applications from each country amounting to EUR 1 million per country will be received and the breakdown per country may vary accordingly.
  • All civil society organizations can apply for 2-year grants of between USD 20,000 to 200,000.

    Eligibility Criteria

  • National and local women- led, or women’s rights-focused civil society organizations based in/have ongoing activities in Northeast Nigeria (specifically Borno and Yobe States) are eligible to apply. Women’s grassroots/local/community-based organizations are particularly encouraged to apply.

    Joint CSOs projects are allowed and encouraged. Women’s funds are particularly encouraged to apply to expand the reach of the funding to a broader crosssection of civil society.

  • The lead applicant organization must have legal status with the competent national authority in the eligible country of project implementation.

    Women’s funds that are not registered in the country of implementation may apply in partnership with a locally registered implementing partner as the lead applicant.

  • A proof of legal registration (or legal status) is a required attachment for any grant application.

    Applications without clear proof of legal status will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn from the application process.

    Note that articles of incorporation are not proof of legal status.

  • Implementing partners that are part of a joint proposal, do not have to be legally registered as long as the lead applicant fulfils the requirement of legal registration in the country of project implementation.

    Please Note:

    The WPHF, in partnership with the Spotlight initiative, will fund qualifying projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda.

    The projects must focus on one country. Multi-country projects will NOT be accepted.

    As the Spotlight Initiative will be funding simultaneous calls for proposals launched through both the WPHF and the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (EVAW Trust Fund) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda, applicants should carefully note the following:

  • Organizations may apply either to the WPHF or the UN EVAW Trust Fund, but not both.
  • Organizations that apply to both Funds will be disqualified
  • The WPHF will fund applications for grants of between USD 20,000 and USD 200,000 in the aforementioned countries
  • Organizations applying for grants between USD 200,001 and USD 1 million should apply only to the UN EVAW Trust Fund

    Required Components of the Application Package

  • Please note, incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Project Document (attached, no more than 10 pages)
  • Results Framework
  • Project Budget
  • Proof of legal registration or status
  • Evidence that the organization is a women-led, women’s rights organization

    How to Apply

    Application Packages can be emailed at the address given on the website. It is recommended that the Application Package be submitted as a single ZIP file.

    Please submit applications in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.

    No other formats will be accepted.

    They can accept applications in French and English. Only applications in these languages will be accepted.

    Apply by 23rd August.

    For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposal in Nigeria for Grants to Support Women Organisations

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