Call for Applications for Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

Call for Applications for Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

Call for Applications for Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

The UN Women is seeking applications for the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force to ensure that young people are mobilized, engaged and contribute to all stages and aspects of the global review processes.

The Youth Task Force will consist of 30 young people from broad youth-led global networks and organisations and civic movements.

It will seek a composition that represents young people in all their diversity and across intersectional complexities including marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, indigenous and ethnic identities, and refugee or migrant status.

Thematic Committees

Policy and Drafting Committee: The Policy and Drafting Committee will in close collaboration with UN Women draft concept notes, position papers and develop a road map of time-bound tasks leading up to the key events of the global Beijing+25 review processes. The committee will also be responsible for the formulation of clear action points following each bi-weekly meeting.

Outreach and Communication Committee: Based on the Beijing+25 Youth Strategy and in collaboration with the UN Women Communication team, the Outreach and Communication Committee will work on a communication plan, develop promotional material and carry out media campaigns.

The committee will also reach out to different youth networks for more inclusive consultations.

Capacity building Committee: The Capacity building Committee will focus on designing and planning how to best prepare young people and build their capacity ahead of involvement in preparatory organs as well as key events of Beijing+25.

The Logistics Committee: The Logistics Committee will in collaboration with UN Women focus on logistical tasks such as the planning of youth related events that are part of the Beijing+25 process, including (but not limited to) CSW 64, the Global Forum for Gender Equality and the 75th session of the General Assembly.

Focus Areas

  • Poverty,
  • Education and training,
  • Health,
  • Violence,
  • Armed conflict,
  • Economy,
  • Power and decision-making,
  • Institutional mechanisms,
  • Human rights,
  • Media,
  • Environment, and
  • Girl child.


    The Youth Task Force will be an opportunity for young people to:

  • Support and guide UN Women’s efforts to place young people at the center of the Beijing+25 processes.
  • Be part of a network of young supporters that will foster momentum on youth engagement for gender equality on a global level.
  • Exchange expertise and knowledge with young people that are working towards the same objective.
  • Recognition of contribution.

    Eligibility Criteria

    UN Women will nominate up to 30 members for the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force from a pool of applications received through an open call. Applicants will be chosen against the following criteria:

  • Regional and geographic balance;
  • Compliance with the age requirement;
  • Nomination to the task force will adhere to the leave no one behind principle ensuring diverse representation across intersectional complexities, including marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, indigenous and ethnic identities, and refugee or migrant status;
  • Proven experience in youth mobilization;
  • Interest and motivation. Applicants are invited to indicate preference for membership of the thematic committees, and UN Women will in collaboration with members establish the committees according to fit of experience, competences and skills;
  • Priority will be given to applicants that represent broad networks, youth organisations, and civic movements from the following constituencies; youth gender equality advocates, young women human rights defenders, young male gender activists, rural, indigenous, lesbian, bi, and queer young women, trans, intersex, and gender non-conforming young people, disability, child widows, child brides, young women living with HIV, young workers including migrant workers and domestic workers, young migrants and refugees.

    How to Apply

    Interested applicants can apply via given website.

    Apply by 15th July.

    For more information and application details, see; Call for Applications for Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

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