Chat Slang

Chat Slang

  • Chat slang or netspeak is a method of typing long words and phrases as short one-to-four letter words and is also used by people who have difficulties spelling. For example, instead of typing out "are", someone may only type "r." Although chat slang can be easier for you and sometimes faster to type, it makes it difficult to read and cause people to ignore you. Below, is an example of someone saying "Are you smart because I need someone smart".

    r u smart bcoz i need some1 smart

  • If you are looking for chat shorthand words, such as "cya", "lol", "ty", etc. see the shorthand dictionary definition for a listing of these terms and each of their meanings. Below is a listing of commonly used chat slang and typo's and their proper English meaning.

    Slang Full word
    @ at
    @teotd at the end of the day
    1 one or won
    14aa41 one for all and all for one
    2 to, too, or two
    2b or not 2b to be or not to be
    2dA today
    3sum threesome
    4 for, four, or the prefix or suffix: fore)
    411 information
    4ever forever
    86 out of, or over
    aaaaa American association against acronym abuse
    aaf as a friend
    aak asleep at keyboard
    aamoi as a matter of interest
    aar, aar8 at any rate
    aas alive and smiling
    aatk always at the keyboard
    aayf as always, your friend
    ab ass backwards
    abithiwtidb a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    abt2 about to
    acd alt control delete
    ack acknowledgement
    adad another day, another dollar
    adbb all done bye bye
    adih another day in hell
    adip another day in paradise
    afagay a friend as good as you
    afahmasp a fool and his money are soon parted
    afaic as far as I'm concerned
    afaiu as far as I understand
    afap as far as possible
    afayc as far as your concerned
    afc away from computer
    afdn any f***ing day now
    afiaa as far as I am aware
    afiniafi a friend in need is a friend indeed
    afk away from keyboard
    afz acronym free zone
    agkwe and God knows what else
    aiamu and I'm a monkey's uncle
    aih as it happens
    aimb as I mentioned before
    aimp always in my prayers
    aise as I said earlier
    aisi as I see it
    alol actually laughing out loud
    alot or allot a lot
    altg act locally, think globally
    amap as many as possible
    ambw all my best wishes
    aml all my love
    and any day now
    anfawfows and now a word from our web sponsor
    aoas all of a sudden
    aob abuse of bandwidth
    asafp as soon as freakin possible
    aslmh age,sex,location,music,hobbies
    atb all the best
    atst at the same time
    atw all the web, or around the web
    ayk as you know
    aysos are you stupid or something
    aytmtb and you're telling me this because?
    ax ask
    b be, bee
    bc or b/c because
    b4u before you
    b4uki before you know it
    bag busting a gut
    bai bye
    bak back at my keyboard
    bau business as usual
    bb bye-bye or bulletin board
    bb4n, bbfn bye bye for now
    bbbg bye bye, be good
    bbias be back in a sec
    bbiaw be back in a while
    bbn bye bye now
    bbsd be back soon darling
    bbsl be back sooner or later
    bbt be back tomorrow
    bc because
    bcoz because
    bdn big d**n number
    bf boyfriend
    bfd big f***ing deal
    bg big grin. See bg page for alternative meanings.
    bif before I forget
    bion believe it or not
    bioyn blow it out your nose
    bitd back in the day
    bk big kiss
    bka better known as
    bm bite me
    bmota bite me on the ass
    bohica bend over, here it comes again
    bout about
    br bathroom. See br page for alternative meanings.
    brt be right there
    bs big smile, bull sh**
    btdt been there done that
    bthoom beats the heck out of me
    btsoom beats the sh** out of me
    btwbo be there with bells on
    bw best wishes
    bwd backward
    bwdik but what do I know
    by busy
    bykt but you knew that
    c-t city
    c see
    'cause because
    cb call back, chat brat
    cfv call for vote
    cid consider it done
    cmiw correct me if I'm wrong
    cos, coz because
    craft can't remember a f***ing thing
    crat can't remember a thing
    csl can't stop laughing
    cul, cul8r see you later
    cus because
    cuz or cuzz because
    cwyl chat with you later
    cyt see you tomorrow
    da the
    dat that
    deti don't even think it
    df dear friend
    dga don't go away (or anywhere)
    dgara don't give a rat's a**
    dgt don't go there
    dhyb don't hold your breath
    diaf die in a fire
    diku do I know you?
    dis this
    dkdc don't know, don't care
    dltm don't lie to me
    dnc does not compute
    doin doing
    dos those
    dqydj don't quit your day job
    drib don't read if busy
    dunno don't know
    dust did you see that?
    duz does
    duznt doesn't
    dyjhiw don't you just hate it when...
    dyofdw do your own f***ing dirty work
    dystsott did you see the size of that thing?
    e123 easy as 123
    eak eating at the keyboard
    em them, excuse me
    eso equipment smarter than operator
    evar ever
    ewi emailing while intoxicated
    ez easy
    faql frequently asked questions list
    fav favorite
    fawc for anyone who cares
    fe fatal error
    fitb fill in the blanks
    fo f*** off
    foc free of charge
    foe for
    fofl falling on floor laughing
    ftasb faster than a speeding bullet
    fttb for the time being
    fwd forward
    fya for your amusement
    g or grin
    ga go ahead
    gbh great big hug
    gd good
    ggn gotta go now
    go2 go to
    gok God only knows
    gonna going to
    gth go to hell
    gtsy good to see you
    gud good
    h how
    h2 how to
    hagd have a good day
    hai hi
    hhoj ha ha, only joking
    hhtyay happy holidays to
    you and yours
    hih hope it helps
    hlp help
    hua heads up ace
    hugz hugs
    huh have you heard
    huya head up your a**
    i1dr I wonder
    iae in any event
    ianac I am not a crook
    ianae I am not an expert
    iat I am tired
    ibrb I'll be right back
    ibt in between technology
    ibtd I beg to differ
    icbw I could be wrong
    iccl I couldn't care less
    idgaf I don't give a f**k
    idgi I don't get it
    idky I don't know you
    idl ideal
    idm it doesn't matter
    idst I didn't say that
    idts I don't think so
    ifu I f**ked up
    igtp I get the point
    ihaim I have another instant message
    ihno I have no opinion
    iimad if it makes a difference
    iir if I remember
    iiwm if it were me
    ik I know
    imnsho in my not so humble opinion
    ims I'm sorry
    in4ml informal
    inmp it's not my problem
    inpo in no particular order
    innw if not now, when?
    ioh I'm outta here
    iss I said so
    istm it seems to me
    istr I seem to remember(recall)
    iswym I see what you mean
    itm in the money
    ium if you must
    iyss if you say so
    j/c just checking
    j/k or jk just kidding
    j/w just wondering
    jad just another day
    jam just a minute
    joo or j00 you
    k ok
    kbd keyboard
    kewl or kool cool
    kfy kiss for you
    kir keep it real
    kiss keep it simple, stupid
    kk ok
    kma kiss my a**
    kok knock
    kotc kiss on the cheek
    kotl kiss on the lips
    kthx ok, thanks
    kwim know what I mean
    kthxbai ok, thanks, bye
    kthxbye ok, thanks, bye
    kutgw keep up the good work
    kypo keep your pants on
    l8 late
    laf or laff laugh
    laq lame a** quote
    lil little
    lola laugh out loud again
    ltic laugh til I cry
    lul or lulz lol
    luv love
    m am
    mai my
    mfd multi function device
    mhbfy my heart bleeds for you
    mhoty my hats off to you
    mite might
    mkop my kind of place
    mmk ok
    moar more
    mof matter of fact
    moos members of the opposite sex
    moss members of the same sex
    mte my thoughts exactly
    mubar messed up beyond all recognition
    mwbrl more will be revealed later
    n "and" or "in"
    n/t no text
    n2m not to mention
    nagi not a good idea
    naz name, address, zip
    ncg new college graduate
    ne1 anyone
    nething anything
    ng new game
    nimby not in my backyard
    nimq not in my queue
    nmp not my problem
    no1 no-one
    noyb none of your business
    nrg energy
    ntk nice to know
    ntn nothing
    ntymi now that you mention it
    nw no way!
    o oh
    oaus on an unrelated subject
    oars oh no, not again
    obtw oh by the way
    oh over heard
    oll online love
    omdb over my dead body
    omik open mouth, insert keyboard
    ootb out of the blue
    ot off topic
    ott over the top
    ottomy off the top of my head
    ousu oh you, shut up
    owtte or words to that effect
    p&c private and confidential
    pans pretty awesome new stuff
    pcm please call me
    pdq pretty darn quick
    pd public domain
    pebkac problem exists between keyboard and chair
    pimp peeing in my pants
    pita pain in the a**
    pls please
    plz please
    pmfji pardon me for jumping in
    po piss off
    poof good bye
    ppl or peeps people
    ptl praise the lord
    pza pizza
    ql quit laughing
    r are
    r&d research and development
    r&r rest and relaxation
    rbay right back at ya
    rbtl read between the lines
    re regarding
    rfd request for discussion
    rite right
    rlf real life friend
    rlh run like hell
    rmlb read my lips baby
    rn right now
    rofl rolling on floor laughing
    roflmao rolling on floor laughing my a** off
    rsn real soon now
    rtfaq read the faq file
    rtk return to keyboard
    ruok are you ok?
    ruup4it are you up for it?
    ryo roll your own
    s or smile
    scnr sorry, could not resist
    sep someone elses problem
    sez says
    sfete smiling from ear to ear
    sh sh** happens
    sitd still in the dark
    slirk smart little rich kid
    smaim send me an instant message
    sme subject matter expert
    smem send me email
    smh shake my head
    snafu situation normal, all f***ed up
    so significant other
    sok it's ok
    some1 someone
    sorg straight or gay
    soz sorry
    spk speak
    srlsy Seriously
    sro standing room only
    sry sorry
    ssdd same sh** different day
    str8 straight
    stra stray
    stys speak to ya soon
    sum some
    sum1 someone
    suyf shut up you fool
    sux, sux0r suck
    swak sealed with a kiss
    swdyt so what do you think
    ta the
    tafn that is all for now
    tah take a hike
    tarfu things are really f***ed up
    tas taking a shower
    tbc to be continued
    tdtm talk dirty to me
    teh the
    tfn thanks for nothing
    thanx thanks
    thnq thank you
    tho though
    thot thought
    thx thanks
    tia thanks in advance
    tiail think I am in love
    tic tongue in cheek
    tlgo the list goes on
    tm trust me
    tna temporarily not available
    tom tomorrow
    tot tons of time
    tp team player
    tptb the powers that be
    ttg time to go
    ttly totally
    ttt that's the ticket
    ttyl talk to you later
    twimc to whom it may concern
    tyvm thank you very much
    u you
    u2 you too?
    uok are you ok?
    ur or ure your or you're
    usu usually
    uve you've
    vbg very big grin
    vbs very big smile
    vm voice mail
    vrbs virtual reality bull sh**
    vsf very sad face
    wad without a doubt
    wai what an idiot
    wan2 want to
    wanna want to
    w/o without
    w84m wait for me
    wat what
    wc who cares
    wdys what did you say
    wdyt what do you think
    wf way fun
    wfm wait for me, works for me
    wiifm what's in it for me
    wknd weekend
    woulda would of
    wn when

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