2022 Kapsabet Mock Exams History Paper 2 Questions and Answers

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2022 Kapsabet Mock Exams History Paper 2 Questions and Answers

2022 Kapsabet Mock Exams History Paper 2 Questions and Answers


1. State two shortcomings of oral tradition as a source of information in history (2 marks)

2. State two archaeological sources of information of history and government (2 marks)

3. Give one main physical features of Homo erectus (1 marks)

4. State two theories explaining the origin of agriculture. (2 marks)

5. Identify two methods of irrigation used by the Sumerians (2 marks)

6. Give two methods of trade 2 marks. (2 marks)

7. Identify two roles of Tuaregs in the Trans-saharan trade. (2 marks)

8. State one negative effects of modern means of transport. (1 mark)

9. Give one advantage of cell phone. (1 marks)

10. State one role of religion in the political organization of Shona Kingdom.

11. State one factor that undermines industrialization in Brazil. (1 mark)

12. Identify the main political factors which prompted France to look for colonies in Africa.(1 mark)

13. Give one economic reasons for the growth of African nationalism in Ghana (1 mark)

14. State two ways in which the rise of dictators contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War. (2 marks)

15. Name one organ of commonwealth which is responsible for policy making. (1 mark)

16. Identify one main cause of the cold war. (1 mark)

17. Identify two structures of the African union. (2 marks)


18. a. Outline five changes that marked the Agrarian Revolution in Britain (5 marks)

b. Explain five ways in which food shortage affects people in third world countries. (10 marks)

19. a. Give five factors that influenced to the development of urban centers in Africa during the pre-colonial period. (5 marks)

b. Describe five the social effects of urbanization on European society in the 19th century.(10 marks)

20. a. Identify five methods used by European powers to acquire colonies in Africa (5 marks)

b. Explain five negative effects of the partition of Africa on African communities .(10 marks)

21. a. Identify five methods used by nationalists in Ghana in their struggle for independence.(5 marks)

b. Describe five problems faced by nationalists in Mozambique. (10 marks)


a. Give three conditions which one had to fulfill in order to become a French citizen in Senegal. (3 marks)

b. Explain six differences between the British indirect rule and the French assimilation policy.(12 marks)

23.a. Outline five causes for the first world wars 1914-1918 (5 marks)

b. Explain the results of the world war I (10 marks)

24.a. Give five achievements of the league of Nations between 1919-1939 (5 marks)

b. Why did the league of Nation fail to maintain world peace (10 marks)

2022 Kapsabet Mock Exams History Paper 2 Questions and Answers

Marking Scheme

1. State two shortcomings of oral tradition as a source of information in history (2 marks)

• Some information may have been forgotten

• Stories may change due to various reasons

• It may not provide the accurate dates of sequence of events

• It is expensive since one has to travel. (Any 2 x 1=2 marks)

2. State two archaeological sources of information of history and government (2 marks)

• Weapons used by man

• Tools used by man

• Remains of plants /animaIs

• Remains of coins (Any 2 x 1=2 marks)

3. Give one main physical features of Homo erectus (1 marks)

• Had an upright posture and walked on two legs (Any 1 x1=1 marks)

4. State two theories explaining the origin of agriculture. (2 marks)

• Diffusion theory

• Independent theory (Any 2 x1=2 marks)

5. Identify two methods of irrigation used by the Sumerians (2 marks)

• Basin irrigation

• Shadoof irrigation (Any 2 x1=2 marks)

6. Give two methods of trade 2 marks. (2 marks)

• Barter trade

• Currency trade (Any 2 x1=2 marks)

7. Identify two roles of Tuaregs in the Trans-saharan trade. (2 marks)

• Provided security

• Guided the traders through the desert

• Protected the oasis

8. State one negative effects of modern means of transport. (1 mark)

• Have caused accidents leading to loss of lives.

• Have caused environmental pollution

• They have promoted international terrorism. (Any 1 x1=1 mark)

9. Give one advantage of cell phone. (1 marks)

• It is portable (Any 1 x1=1 mark)

10. State one role of religion in the political organization of Shona Kingdom. (1 mark)

• It united the people

• Priests were a link between the King and ancestors

• The king was the chief religious authority

• The king assumed a lot power due to the role he played in the religious rituals.

11. State one factor that undermines industrialization in Brazil. (1 mark)

• Lack of adequate capital

• High poverty levels leading to low purchasing power.

• Poor transport and communication network

• Under-exploitation of natural resources

• Her manufactured goods face stiff competition from developed countries

• Inadequate technology (Any 1 x1=1 mark)

12. Identify the main political factor which prompted France to look for colonies in Africa.(1 mark)

• The need to re-assert herself following the defeat and humiliation in the Franco-prussian war(1870-1871) (Any 1 x1=1 mark)

13. Give one economic reason for the growth of African nationalism in Ghana (1 mark)

• The order by the colonial government that Africans uproot cocoa trees affected by diseases

• Colonial government denied Africans trading licenses.

• African farmers earned low income from the sale of cocoa to European firms.

• Sharp increases in prices of farm inputs. (Any 1 x1=1 mark)

14. State two ways in which the rise of dictators contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War. (2 marks)

• They overthrew democratic governments

• They re-armed themselves

• They engaged in acts of aggression. (Any 2 x1=2 marks)

15. Name one organ of commonwealth which is responsible for policy making. (1 mark)

• Heads of state and governments summit. (1 x1=1 mark)

16. Identify one main cause of the cold war. (1 mark)

• Ideological differences between U.S.A and U.S.S.R (1 x1=1 mark)

17. Identify two structures of the African union. (2 marks)

• Assembly heads of state and government.

• The council of ministers.

• The secretariat

• Commission for mediation, conciliation and arbitration. (Any 2 x1=2 marks)

18. a. Outline five changes that marked the Agrarian Revolution in Britain (5 marks)

• Land enclosure /Iand consolidation

• Mechanization of farming/use of machinery

• Use of fertilizers to maintain soil fertility

• Abolition of wasteful Gallows.

• Development of new methods of breeding

• Discovery of pesticides and fungicides

• Intercropping (Any 5 x1=5 marks)

b. Explain five ways in which food shortage affects people in third world countries. (10 marks)

• National prestige is eroded as countries resort to food aid from developed countries.

• It causes death due to starvation

• It has adversely affected agricultural based industries due to shortage of raw materials

• It has to increase in food deficiency diseases (malnutrition)

• It may lead to dumping of foodstuffs that are unsuitable for human consumption (Any 5 x2=10 marks)

19. a. Give five factors that influenced to the development of urban centers in Africa during the pre-colonial period. (5 marks)

• Some urban centers developed as market center like Sofala, Mombasa, Timbuktu and Kilwa.

• Development of agriculture leading to the concentration of people in settlements which developed into towns like Memphis, Thebes and Aswan.

• Religious centers attracted population concentration and later became urban centers

• Administrative centers developed into towns

• Mining centers developed into towns like Meroe

• Availability of water from river springs and oases enhanced growth of towns

• Presence of major centers of education such universities contributed to the growth of urban centers.

b. Describe the social effects of urbanization on European society in the 19th century. (10 marks)

• Rural urban migration led to overcrowding in urban areas.

• Inadequate housing led to the development of slums.

• Poor sewerage and sanitation led to outbreak of diseases like cholera and typhoid

• Widespread unemployment led to high rate of crime ,violence and insecurity

• Inadequate social amenities due to high population concentration in urban areas.

• Concentration of population in urban areas led to shortage of food which led to malnutrition

• It led to interaction between communities. (Any 5 x2=10 marks)

20. a. Identify five methods used by European powers to acquire colonies in Africa (5 marks)

• Military conquest

• Diplomacy and force

• Company rule

• Signing of treaties

• Treachery (5 x1=5 marks)

b. Explain five negative effects of the partition of Africa on African communities. (10 marks)

• Loss of independence as Europeans established colonies

• African economies were weakened by European exploitation of their resources.

• The African systems of government were replaced by European systems

• Some African communities were split by boundaries which were drawn during the partition

• Africans lost their land as Europeans established permanent settlements

• African cultures were undermined through western education and culture

• Intensification of ethnic conflicts due to divide and rule strategy. (Any 5 x2=10)

21. a. Identify five methods used by nationalists in Ghana in their struggle for independence. (5 marks)

• They formed political parties

• They used boycotts, demonstration/strike/go-slows.

• They organized political rallies

• They used newspapers

• They used trade unions

• They used international fora (Any 5 x1=5 marks)

b. Describe five problems faced by nationalists in Mozambique. (10 marks)

• Severe shortage of food in liberation areas made peasants to migrate withdrawing their support for the movement

• Portuguese strict laws which outlawed political movements forcing political parties like Frelimo to operate largely from outside Mozambique

• Ideological differences among political parties led to formation of rival liberation movements

• The attitude of the Catholic Church was hostile to the liberation movement as Catholics sympathetic to liberation movements were threatened with ex- communication

• Assassination of liberation leaders like Mondlane provided a temporary set back

• Inadequate funds to organize their activities

• South Africa apartheid government gave reinforcement to the Portuguese.

22. a. Give three conditions which one had to fulfill in order to become a French citizen in Senegal. (3 marks)

• Able to read and write

• Able to speak in French

• Be a Christian

• Worked for the French government or military service

• Practice monogamy (Any 3 x1= 3 marks)

b. Explain six differences between the British indirect rule and the French assimilation policy. (12 marks)

• British used traditional rulers, the French appointed assimilated leaders

• African traditional rulers retained the powers while in the French colonies African rulers had limited powers

• British colonies were separately administered French colonies were part of the provinces of France

• French administrators were military officers, the British administrators were both professionals and non-professionals.

• French colonies were represented in the French chamber of deputies, the British were represented in the House of Commons.

• Laws in French colonies were made in the chamber of deputies while in the British laws were made in various Legislative assembly colonies

• Assimilated Africans became full citizens, educated Africans in British colonies became subject.

• British colonies rule preserved African culture, assimilation undermined African culture

23. a. Outline five causes for the first world wars 1914-1918 (5 marks)

• System of alliances

• 1st and 2nd Moroccan crisis

• Imperialism each nations wanted as many colonies as possible

• Arms race 1900-1914

• Need for revenge France and Germany

• Nationalism e.g in Balkans

• Sarajevo assassination (Any 5 x1=5 marks)

b. Explain the results of the world war I (10 marks)

• Loss of life

• Properties of immense value destroyed

• A lot of money was used to purchase arms

• The war seriously weakened European's economic domination in the war

• It created a huge refugee problem

• Disrupted economic activities

• Creation of new nations

• Undermined the existence of Great Turkey

• Many Indians and Africans went home determined to be independent

• The league of nations was formed (Any 5 x2=10 marks)

24. a. Give five achievements of the league of Nations between 1919-1939 (5 marks)

• Promoted health services(WHO)

• Championed the welfare of the workers

• Provided relief to refugees, areas hit by calamities

• Settled dispute between different countries of the world

• Supervised mandated territories

• It organized dis-armament conferences in Europe

• Reduced trade in dangerous drugs

b. Why did the league of Nation fail to maintain world peace (10 marks)

• Some European nations were opposed to it because it favored the allied nations

• U.S.A did not support the league

• Members were not all inclusive others were not given the chance to join it

• Most members were concerned with the sovereignty

• Violated the objectives of the league by supporting nations against others

• Lacked an army

• Shortage of funds

• Rise of dictators

• The economic depression did not allow the nations to support the league.

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