Global Health Unfiltered Op-ed Competition

Global Health Unfiltered Op-ed Competition


Write an op-ed (opinion piece) about a global health challenge that gets less attention than it deserves. Explain the importance of this issue and propose actionable solutions to address it.

Why You Should Participate

  • Make a difference: Your voice can raise awareness about a neglected global health issue and influence change.

  • Develop your writing skills: Hone your ability to communicate complex information clearly and engagingly for a public audience.

  • Win exciting prizes: The top three winners will receive cash prizes and the opportunity to have their op-eds published on the Global Health Unfiltered website and potentially other media outlets.

  • Anyone

  • Students and young professionals from low— and middle-income countries are highly encouraged to submit

  • You don't need any prior writing experience.

    Judging criteria

  • Relevance and importance of the chosen global health challenge

  • Clarity and accuracy of information presented

  • Originality and effectiveness of proposed solutions

  • Engaging writing style and clear communication


  • 1st Place: $300 cash prize and publication of your op-ed on the Global Health Unfiltered website and potential media partners.

  • 2nd Place: $200 cash prize and publication of your op-ed on the Global Health Unfiltered website.

  • 3rd Place: $100 cash prize and publication of your op-ed on the Global Health Unfiltered website.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Global Health Unfiltered Op-ed Competition

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