Call for Proposals: Creators/Entrepreneurs in the Cultural and Creatives Industries in Ghana

Call for Proposals: Creators/Entrepreneurs in the Cultural and Creatives Industries in Ghana


Création Africa Ghana (CAG) is a dynamic initiative launched by the French government through the French Embassy in Ghana. It aims to empower entrepreneurs in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs).

CCIs are sectors of activity involving the creation, development, production and distribution of goods, services and activities with cultural, artistic and/or heritage content architecture, design, books & publishing, music, cinema, audiovisual content, digital creations, museums & heritage, media, visual arts, video games, fashion & luxury goods, performing arts, culinary arts.

The cultural and creative industries play a crucial role in promoting cultural diversity, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable and inclusive economic development.

The local selected incubator, Impact Hub Accra (IHA), is a collaborative organisation providing growth support services to innovative startup businesses, including; pre-seed investment, accelerator program for entrepreneurs, workshops, networking events, opportunity to design and prototype, and more. The hub with all its spaces, is an active nexus where different local and global ecosystem players converge and engage Ghana’s vibrant community of entrepreneur.

Program Benefits

Over the course of eight months, participants will engage in comprehensive capacity-building sessions and have access to collaborative opportunities within a dedicated workspace at Ako Adjei Park. This space is part of the innovative startup campus powered by Impact Hub Accra (IHA). The program offers a range of benefits for
participants, including:

  • Business trainings conducted by industry experts specialising in the Cultural and Creative Industries.

  • Personalised expert support from professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries and business sector.

  • Connectivity to Impact Hub Accra's extensive national and international network, fostering strategic connections for partnership development.

  • Opportunities to present projects to investors, strategic partners, and the public, resulting in heightened exposure and awareness at both national and international levels.

    Funding Opportunity

    The top participants who distinguish themselves will be chosen to receive funding of up to €30,000

    Selection Criteria

  • Alignment with Creation Africa Ghana Objectives

  • Innovation and Creativity within their chosen domain

  • Market viability of products/ services/ artist

  • Potential for economic impact: job creation, contribution to the economy

  • Sustainability of projects beyond CAG programming

  • Business stage: Lower-upper tiers of entrepreneurship spectrum

  • Collaboration Potential

  • Scalability Potential

  • Gender Balanced

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Call for Proposals: Creators/Entrepreneurs in the Cultural and Creatives Industries in Ghana

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