Call for Applications: Possible- Africa Fellowship Programme

Call for Applications: Possible- Africa Fellowship Programme

The POSSIBLE- Africa Fellowship Programme is a 24-month early postdoctoral (graduated within the last 5-10 years) fellowship opportunity for outstanding African scholars in the Social Sciences & Humanities, who propose research that aims to create evidence to inform sustainable development within the African continent.

POSSIBLE- Africa is a programme of the Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) that is being implemented with funding support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

The fellowship opportunity also aligns with the goal of SFA Foundation to address the continent’s most pressing developmental needs by generating knowledge that solves problems and informs decision-making.

The fellowship aims to build a critical mass of independent African research leaders in the SS&H to lead science programmes at local and international levels.

These leaders will have the capacity to engage successfully with funders, policy makers, communities, and other stakeholders, and to serve as mentors and supervisors for the next generation of researchers in Africa.


  • To form a high-quality and equitable cohort of postdoctoral fellows in the social sciences and humanities (SS&H).

  • To develop emerging independent research leaders and enhance training in SS&H.

  • To establish a SS&H advisory board to guide POSSIBLE Africa fellowships and other SS&H initiatives of SFA Foundation.

    Total Requested Budget

    US$ 65,000 utilised over 24 months.

    This call is open to eligible applicants from all African countries.

    Key Dates

  • Application window opens:

    Oct 10, 2022

  • Webinar for applicants:

    Watch the Recording

  • Application window closes:

    Dec 11, 2022 | 1700hrs EAT

  • Review:

    Feb 13 – Apr 07, 2023

  • Interviews:

    May 22 – June 9, 2023

  • Final selection:

    Jun 23, 2023

  • Awards and onboarding:

    Sep 1 – 30, 2023

  • Implementation:

    Oct 2, 2023 – Sep 30, 2025

    Award Details

    Award Period

    The first phase of the POSSIBLE-Africa fellowship programme will run over a period of 24 months; starting in October 2023 and closing in September 2025.

    Total Awards

  • The POSSIBLE-Africa fellowship programme will provide funding of up to USD 65,000 to 15-25 emerging SS&H leaders to conduct research addressing topics related to regional goals and those of SFA Foundation.

  • The opportunity will be open to African scholars proposing to conduct research at a higher education institution or research centre in any African country.

  • At least 50% will be women, with at least 2 from each regional block of the continent (Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Northern Africa, and Southern Africa).

    Fellow eligibility

  • African Scholars who have completed their PhD in any SS&H discipline in the last 5-10 years prior to the application date are eligible to submit a proposal for funding through the POSSIBLE-Africa fellowship programme.

  • Applicants must be citizens of any African countries.

  • Applicants must have an affiliation (academic or non-academic) with an African Institute of higher learning or research Centre in any African Country.

    Applications are more likely to be successful if they can demonstrate:

  • Long term institutional commitment (i.e., commitment to retain them after the fellowship) and that they will contribute an existing body of data to the public domain (e.g., empirical data built up through numerous related consultancies, which are suitable for theoretical analysis with a view to producing scientific outputs during the fellowship)

  • Fellowships are typically expected to support scholars who commit to full time research with a minimal (maximum six hours per
    month) teaching load.

  • Part-time fellowships will also be considered if the programme of research can feasibly be completed within 24 months with a part-time commitment, and the need for and benefit of the part time commitment is justified.

  • Justifications for part time commitment may include enabling women scholars to balance family and work commitments.

  • Applicants must be able to complete the requirements of the fellowship in English.

    Eligibility (Research Topic)

    Applicants will be asked in their application form to provide a statement outlining how their research is aligned with or relevant to priorities of:

  • A specific African community (geographic or interest-based)

  • Their host institution’s research strategy; and/or

  • Local, national, continental and/or international priorities


    Budget Conditions

    Applicants must consult with the appropriate financial administrators at their host organisations before completing the financial sections of their application.

    Applicants can request up to US $65,000 on the following costs:

    Personnel Costs

  • The budget will include personnel who directly support the programme, the level of effort (FTE) will be indicated as a percentage of actual salaries paid and applicable institutional benefits for the positions included in the budget request.

    Travel Costs

  • Travel shall include a breakdown for accommodation, air travel, ground transfers, meals during travel, Visas and other travel related expenses.

  • The air travel shall be strictly budgeted for at economy class, regardless of institutional guidelines/exceptions.

    Capital Costs/Equipment

  • Equipment refers to items that have a life longer than one year.

  • This line includes the cost of purchasing equipment including laptops and or software and related costs such as installation that is needed to implement the project.

  • These items shall be charged at cost. NB: Depreciation costs are not allowable.

    Research Costs

  • Full stipend, fees and research costs should be requested for all students and fellows to fully support their studies/research.

    Materials and Consumables

  • These are costs for consumable items such as animals, lab supplies, clinical supplies, glassware, chemicals, reagents, etc. used directly while conducting the scope of work for the award.

    Institutional Overheads

  • These should not exceed 15% of the full award amount.

  • These costs cover all direct and indirect administrative costs for managing the grants within the host institutions.

    Direct Programme Support Costs

  • They include but are not limited to; monitoring and evaluation costs, office supplies, stationeries, direct utility bills, direct rental spaces, grant required audits etc

    Indirect Programme Support Costs

  • They consist of costs incurred centrally for the benefit of common or joint objectives for the Institution that ultimately benefit all programmes.

  • They are not directly related to any single project or activity but are a necessary part of the costs of undertaking the project or activity.

    They include cost categories such as:

  • Central Support Functions (CSF) Costs

  • Estate and Premises

  • Office Consumables

  • Governance

  • Strategy & Fundraising

    Application Deadline: 11th December 2022

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see: Call for Applications: Possible- Africa Fellowship Programme

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