Youth-Driven Development Grant Competition (YDD) is a new initiative managed by Social Development Department of the World Bank under the Global Fund for Youth Investment (GFYI); housed within Global Public-Private Partnership for Youth Investment (GPYI).
The main objective of the YDD Competition is to identify and support small-scale youth projects developed and implemented by young people, addressing the thematic areas of youth development supported under the GPYI: entrepreneurship, civic engagement and empowerment.
The YDD Competition in MENA will support two thematic areas of youth development:
There will be approximately 10 winners from each regional competition.
Activities are eligible for grants up to US$33,000 per activity.
The awarded amount will be determined by the Selection Committee based on the submitted proposal (including budget) and interview.
ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza
For more information and scholarship applications, see: Youth-Driven Development (YDD) Grant Competition.
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