The Morality of Profit Awards

SEVEN welcomes the submission of essays that explore the morality of profit through the lens of diverse cultural, religious, philosophical, and academic traditions.

The SEVEN Fund is sponsoring a global competition inviting discourse on the morality of profit.

During this yearlong program, we seek to assemble the definitive collection of essays on this topic.

Writers are asked to submit essays of up to 3,000 words.

Initial submissions will be accepted through February 28th.

SEVEN will award top honors to three essays, with a grand prize of $20,000, a second prize of $10,000, and a third prize of $5,000.

The best pieces will be collected into a manuscript, which is intended for publication, and the program will culminate with an international conference.


  • SEVEN is seeking essays on the topic of the morality of profit.

  • The model for these essays is the recently published “In the River They Swim: Essays from Around the World on Enterprise Solutions to Poverty”

    Aspiring contributors to The Morality of Profit project are encouraged to review In the River They Swim, and in particular, the following essays:

  • “The Backbone of a New Rwanda,” by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, for its moral authority;

  • “A Mind for the Poor,” by Andreas Widmer, for its structure, and ability to move gracefully between narratives;

  • “Locomotives, Needles, and Aid,” by Malik Fal, for its passion and intimacy;

  • “That’s my Duck: The Case for Integration,” by Michael Fairbanks, for its integrative thinking;

  • “Leadership, in Context,” by Ashraf Ghani, former minister of Finance of Afghanistan, for its paradigm flipping approach.

    These essays are not meant to provide an exhaustive range of models. Rather, they display the kind of insight that we are seeking, and, together, they show the diversity that we are looking for in a similar collection on The Morality of Profit.

    We fully expect that some submissions to the project will be paradigmatic in fresh and unanticipated ways.

    Submissions will be evaluated by an expert jury, in relation to the following criteria:

  • an engaging hook or premise;

  • a clearly defined agenda or thesis;

  • emotional appeal;

  • compelling data;

  • well-crafted arguments;

  • robust discussion;

  • a powerful close.

    Pieces should be innovative and thoughtful in their approach; we are not looking for dry academic treatments of the topic, but rather engaging pieces that allow the author’s life and learning to unfold on the page as he or she explores key themes.

    For More Information, please Visit; The Morality of Profit Awards Website