The Travelling Scholarship is a bursary to allow individuals who are current paid-up members of IIC to take a study-focused tour anywhere in the world, with the aim of carrying out research on the conservation of sculpture and meeting and seeing the work of other conservators, and learning about their differing approaches, ethics, materials and methods.
The Travelling Scholar is required to make a written report on their tour, with photographs, in order not only to benefit their own career but also to enrich the worldwide body of knowledge of the conservation of sculpture.
The Gabo Trust is a UK-based charity, but this is an internationally available award; the applications and report from the Scholarship winners will be held in the Archives of the Tate galleries in the UK.
The award will normally be paid as a single lump sum up to a maximum of £5,000 Sterling or the equivalent in US Dollars or Euros.
There is a maximum of two awards to be made in any round of the award.
These Scholarships are directly concerned with the conservation of sculpture in all its aspects and are not restricted to any particular period or culture, but some benefit to modern and contemporary sculpture (post 1880) must be apparent in the application
Within a month of being notified of their being awarded a Travelling Scholarship, individuals must confirm to the IIC office the dates of their intended their tour.
Deadline: 10th January
For more scholarship information and application, see: The Gabo Trust-IIC Travelling Scholarship Website
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