SRCD Jacobs Foundation Travel Awards

SRCD announces a program of travel awards for young investigators to allow them to visit the labs of more senior scholars in fields relevant to their research interests.

The purpose of such visits could include, for example: to learn a new research area, to visit a scholar in a different discipline, to learn new measures or methods, to become acquainted with a different cultural tradition.

It is up to the applicant to arrange the visit.

Applications consist of the plan for the visit, its rationale or contribution to the research of the applicant, and a budget.

A statement describing this plan of not more than 1000 words and a letter of support/agreement from the host should constitute the application.

We anticipate making 6-10 awards between $1000 and $2500.

Costs may include round trip air fare, ground transportation, hotel, and meals.

Given these funding constraints, SRCD envision visits of 2-3 days duration.

A justification for all costs and the length of the visit is required.


  • Applicants must be SRCD members (but hosts need not be), students or graduates no more than 5-7 years post degree, and interested in school age children, adolescents or youth.

    Priority will be given, in order of importance, to:

  • Applicants from developing countries
  • Applicants from outside the US
  • Plans to combine travel/visit with attendance at the 2010 SRA meeting in Philadelphia, PA (for international applicants only)
  • Applicants with an interest in immigration
  • Applicants with multidisciplinary interest Deadline: 30th November

    For more information and application, visit: SRCD Jacobs Foundation Travel Awards Website