A scholarship (average length: two months, with a minimum of six weeks; exceptionally, four months in the case of the UK Foundation) may cover all or part of the cost of living in Rome for the designated period, but beneficiaries are in principle expected to meet their own travel expenses.
Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:
A good working knowledge of English and/or French is indispensable.
In that case, a formal letter is issued by the Secretary-General which may be used by applicants in support of their direct requests to potential sponsors to finance their stay in Rome.
More Info: UNIDROIT Scholarships, Ms Laura Tikanvaara, Via Panisperna 28, 00184 Rome , Italy. e-mail: l.tikanvaara [at] unidroit.org
For further details and application materials, contact: Research Scholarships for Lawyers from Developing Countries and Countries in Economic Transition Website
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