Founded IRAM's headquarters are Located in Grenoble.
With a staff of more Than 120 Scientists, engineers, technicians and administrative personnel, IRAM malade and Developer Two Observatories: the 30-meter telescope on Pico Veleta Located near Granada in Spain, and the Plateau de Bure interferometer (an array of six 15 - meter telescopes) in the French Alps.
It seeks to recruit:
1. Technical Assistant - Malawi
2. Technical Assistant - Liberia
In the run for a response to an EU tender, IRAM is looking for a technical assistant to reinforce the Support Unit to the National Authorizing Officer in relation to the agriculture and food security sector.
The Objective of the project will be to reinforce the capacity of the Support Unit to operate as an effective partner in formulation, implementation, monitoring and coordination of programs and projects under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement, thus facilitating the work of the NAO in the management of EC development aid in the Agriculture and Food Security Sector.
The role of the Technical Assistant will be to provide expertise and know how in terms of project management, financial management, M&E and Services procurement.
How to apply:
Please sent a covering letter and CV To Mr. Henri Leturque, at: profil7{at}
Application deadline: 30 Nov
For more Jobs in Africa, see: job vacancies
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