The mandate and policies of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) coincide with national health policies.
The Council not only plans and promotes medical research in the current and emerging health problems of the country but also is expected to build a strong national cadre of skilled biomedical scientists.
One of the major mandates of the Council is to augment capacity strengthening of institutions involved in both basic and clinical sciences.
The world is now witnessing a rapid change in the way biomedical research is conducted.
The developing countries are in the grip of formidable challenges posed by the existing communicable diseases coupled with new emerging infections.
There is an urgent need that researchers working in the core health sectors like diagnostics, epidemiology, surveillance and cure are exposed to the latest advancements in knowledge and interact with International scientists in their respective field of work.
Considering that India has attained excellence and leadership amongst the developing countries in several areas of research especially in tropical and communicable diseases in the field of epidemiology/surveillance/diagnosis, it becomes imperative that India should take a lead in sharing and offering opportunities to scientists from developing countries to come and work in Indian institutes/laboratories.
To achieve this objective and for better south to south cooperation, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has embarked upon international fellowships for capacity building and human resource development programme for biomedical scientists working in developing countries.
Fellowship Application Eligibility Criteria:
Fellowship will be awarded each year with the duration ranging from one to six months depending on the training needs.
The Fellow will be entitled to a fellowship of Rs.500/- per day.
Deadline: Throughout.
For more information and application, visit: ICMR International Fellowship Programme Website
More: International Fellowships » Medical Fellowships » Research Fellowships
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