World Society Foundation (WSF) is inviting research paper proposals from researchers and scholars to undertake a study of the global economic crisis.
The crisis started off with failure of financial institutions in the United States, but soon the impact was seen all over the world with major economies dropping in recession that had not happened before since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Consequently, changes have occurred not only at the country-level but also in the international political environment where “several semiperipheral countries are profiting from their considerable foreign currency reserves to gain more political weight in international financial institutions, peripheral countries are experiencing sharp rises in poverty and accumulating new foreign debt.”
The proposals submitted will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Board of Members and successful ones will be requested to submit full papers of not more than 8000 words.
Papers which meet quality standards will be honoured with $1000 and will be published in a forthcoming volume of World Society Studies.
Besides, candidates whose papers are outstanding will receive the Award of Excellence in World Society Research, which carries cash prizes woth $10,000 and $5000.
The prize winners will also be invited at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, on September 10-11, to receive the award.
Application Deadline: 15th December.
For More Information, Kindly Visit; The Global Economic Crisis Website
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