EC Grant for Protection of Human Rights and Prevention of Torture

The European Commission (EC) under its European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) has launched the “Call for Proposals” for Supporting human rights and democracy issues covered by the EU Guidelines to EU Policy towards Third Countries on Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Specifically, the EC will providing grant support to NGOs/civil society organizations for preventing and eradicating torture and ill-treatment and/or providing rehabilitation to survivors of torture.

Here, prevention of torture and ill-treatment can include advocacy for ratification of internationally accepted norms at the national level, implementing strong monitoring mechanisms and building capacities of state officials such as police, judicial and medical personnel on promotion and protection of human rights.

Rehabilitation includes not only assistance to victims and their families through psycho-medico-social care but also redress to reduce impunity.

EIDHR emphasizes upon using “an integrated and holistic approach…encompassing all factors of the fight, such as prevention; denunciation, investigation, prosecution, punishment of perpetrators; and rehabilitation of victims and their families; carried out in parallel within the framework of national and international law with due regard being given to effectively addressing the root causes of torture and ill treatment.”

Activities under this grant can include advocating and monitoring the ratification of international regional framework on torture prevention like the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) and its Optional Protocol; building capacities of NGOs to fight against torture and impunity; training state officials on human rights; research and publications; awareness-raising; legal assistance; medical care, social rehabilitation etc.

The budget available for the project support is between €200,000 and €1,500,000 and it will cover up to 80% of the eligible costs while the rest 20% needs to be covered from other sources.

For more information and application, visit: EC Grant for Protection of Human Rights and Prevention of Torture Website