Conservation Trust Grant 

International Grants » The National Geographic Grants

Conservation Trust Grant: The objective of the Conservation Trust is to support conservation activities around the world as they fit within the mission of the National Geographic Society.

The trust will fund projects that contribute significantly to the preservation and sustainable use of the Earth's biological, cultural, and historical resources.

While the Conservation Trust acknowledges the need to preserve archaeological sites and artifacts, their current budget limits prevent them from funding such requests.


  • The Conservation Trust's strength lies in supporting cutting edge programs that might be overlooked by other organizations, due to the risk involved in working with new investigators and in new fields.
  • Applicants are not expected to have Ph.D.'s or other advanced degrees.
  • Applicants must provide a record of prior research or conservation action as it pertains to the proposed project.
  • Funding is not restricted to United States citizens, Non-USA citizens can apply.
  • Researchers planning work in foreign countries should include at least one local collaborator as part of their research teams.


  • While grant amounts vary greatly, most range from U.S. $15,000 to $20,000.
  • As National Geographic Society funds are intended to function as complementary support, the trust strongly encourages applicants to seek additional, concurrent funding from other funding agencies.
  • National Geographic Society grants may not be used for indirect costs, overhead, and other expenses not directly related to the project.
  • Fringe benefits are also excluded, as are salaries.
  • Funds may not be used for travel to scientific/professional meetings or conferences, legal actions, land acquisition, endowments, construction of permanent field stations, or publication of research results.

    Grant recipients are expected to provide the National Geographic Society with rights of first refusal for popular publication of their findings.

    Deadline: Throughout the year

    For more grants information and application, see: Conservation Trust Grant Website

    For more: International Scholarships and Grants » National Grants » Conservation Grants