Capacity Strengthening of African Malaria Research Institutions

This is the third AMANET call intended to assist additional two African malaria research institutions to develop capacity for conducting malaria vaccine trials at phase Ib and possibly IIb where applicable.

This grant which may last 1-3 years should allow a research institution which is strategically placed, but is incapacitated by infrastructural weaknesses, inadequate skilled personnel, lack of equipment, or/and including inadequate epidemiological characterization of their potential field sites, to attain the requisite capacities.

The institution will be expected to undertake such activities to upgrade itself, together with wholesome characterization of its intended field sites.

Interested institutions should submit a detailed up to three pages letter of intent.

The letter should outline expected objectives and a plan to meet these objectives within the life of such a project.

It is important to show how limiting weaknesses will be overcome through this grant i.e. technical human resources, poor infrastructure, essential equipments, functioning of scientific and ethical review bodies, capacity to care for research participants, etc.

In addition to the above considerations, applying institutions must clearly demonstrate; the existence of national commitment to their development, such as within the framework of the Ministry of Health in their country, and that it is both African- led and owned.

Only applications submitted by institutional heads/leaders will be considered.

Completed applications with the above requirements must be sent by e-mail to info[at]

Deadline: 15th June.

For more information and application, visit: Capacity Strengthening of African Malaria Research Institutions Website