CTA Media Award

CTA (the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU) is holding its annual seminar in October.

The subject of the seminar is the role media can play to enhance the agricultural and rural development of ACP countries (Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific).

In advance of the seminar, CTA is holding a competition to select the best journalism about agricultural and rural development, and the best community communication project in support of communities’ development.

Panos London is managing this competition on behalf of CTA.

The competition is open to professional and non-professional journalists, media houses, and community-level communication projects from ACP countries.

There are two categories:

  • Journalism published or broadcast through print, radio, TV, or online outlets;
  • Community-level communication projects (any medium).

    An applicant can select which category to enter.

    For Category A, Journalism, CTA is looking for journalism that has had impact at national, local or community level – raising awareness or creating a debate, sharing important information or contributing to change.

    Topics may be agriculture or related environmental, social, political or economic topics.

    For Category B, Community-level communication projects, CTA is looking for initiatives that have used participatory communication (through any medium, including face-to-face communication) to strengthen communities’ agriculture or their capacity to manage related issues such as natural resources.

    The Awards:

  • First prize in each category: 2,500 Euros and a 2-week opportunity for training, study or research (location and terms to be agreed between CTA and the winner).
  • Second prize in each category: 1,500 Euros and a 2-week training, study or research opportunity.
  • Third prize in each category: 500 Euros and a 2-week training, study or research opportunity.

    All three winners in both categories will also participate in the CTA seminar in Brussels, October 12-16 (all costs covered).

    Deadline: 1st September

    For more information and application, visit: CTA Media Award Website

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