CIRS Research Grants

As part of a major research initiative designed to enhance our understanding of migrant labor issues in the Gulf, the Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) will award a number of research grants to scholars and researchers engaged in the study of the topic.

The grants are designed to support fieldwork and original empirical research on topics related to migrant labor in the Gulf.

Grant awardees are expected to become active participants in the CIRS research initiative on the issue.

The research must take place in one of the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council and be focused on the consequences of migrant labor for the recipient state or states.

While grant awardees are not expected to reside in Qatar, their research must be presented in Qatar and through the publications and efforts of Georgetown University-Qatar and its Center for International and Regional Studies.

Grant awardees must also become active participants in Georgetown University-Qatar’s Working Group on Gulf Migrant Labor.

Duration of Award:

Two years maximum.

Funds Available:

Awards can range between $5,000 to $35,000 based on the proposed nature of the research and the budget.

Send proposals to cirsresearch[at]

For more information and application, visit: CIRS Research Grants