African Union Scientific Award

University Scholarships » International Scholarships » Education Scholarships

The AU Heads of State and Government declared 2007 as the launching year for building constituencies and champions for science, technology and innovation in Africa.

In response to this political momentum and commitment to: - raise community awareness,- engage African citizens in Africa’s science and technology programmes, promote elements of human intellectual development, encourage technological and scientific leadership and - strengthen Africa’s research capacities, the AU Commission through the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology with the support of its key Development Partners, initiated the prestigious African Union Scientific Awards Programme targeting young researchers at Member State level, women at regional level and open to all outstanding scientists at continental level .

Basic, Science, Technology and Innovation category will consist of all other sciences, technologies and innovations excluding those covered within Earth and life Sciences category.

These may include, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, civil etc), Artificial Intelligence, Material Sciences, Manufacturing and Production Technologies, Metallurgy, Textiles, Energy and Innovations etc.

The programme is designed to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of African scientists and to promote all efforts to transform scientific research into entrepreneurship, attract investments to Africa, and create research centers of excellence.

It will further encourage the science community, and the public to participate in scientific engagements towards addressing critical problems in Africa.

The programme will contribute towards raising the profile of science and technology sector and building a scientific culture amongst African citizens.

There is a strong urge for Africa to quickly mobilize its scientific resources, competencies and comparative advantages to champion programmes that promote access to science and technology by all, strengthen research capacities, and increase the use, and generation of scientific knowledge for the development of the continent.

Deadline: 9th September

Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.

For more information and application, visit: African Union Scientific Award Website

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