A Glimmer Of Hope

Non Profit Funding » International Grants » Foundation Grants for the Poor

A Glimmer of Hope is a compassionate social enterprise seeking to make a sustainable difference in the lives of some of the poorest people in the world.

Since its inception in 2000, the foundation has shone a light of awareness on exclusion and suffering and has helped more than one million people improve their quality of life.

The foundation’s principles reflect the belief that justice, equality and dignity are everyone’s birthright and where you are born should not determine whether you live or die.

A Glimmer of Hope has developed an innovative and entrepreneurial approach to Humanitarian Aid which involves Social Investors working with Social Entrepreneurs to create Social Profit.

In Ethiopia, A Glimmer of Hope has headquarters in Addis Ababa that are staffed by experienced Ethiopian development specialists.

The foundation selects, works with and invests in Ethiopian development organizations and non-governmental organizations to implement its projects.

A Glimmer of Hope works with government but not through government and its approach is designed to offer people a hand up rather than a hand out.

Because all operational expenses are paid out of income arising from the foundation’s endowment, 100% of all donor funds are delivered directly to the community-based organizations.

Integrated Development plays a key role in A Glimmer of Hope’s efforts to make poverty history.

Integrated Development encompasses the synergistic combining of multiple programs and interventions in a holistic manner within specific communities and districts.

A Glimmer of Hope supports programs in these areas:

  • Water and Sanitation
  • Education
  • Health Care
  • Income Creation
  • Micro-Finance
  • Micro-Irrigation
  • Veterinary Clinics

    For more information and application visit; A Glimmer Of Hope

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