Action Against Hunger USA Link NCA Technical Support Jobs in Uganda

Action Against Hunger USA Link NCA Technical Support Jobs in Uganda

Closing date: 06 Aug 2019


Action Against Hunger began its work in Uganda since 1980 in response to famine conditions in the Karamoja Region where we saved the lives of undernourished children while building the capacities of the community.

We have been operating in Uganda for the last 22 years delivering interventions in nutrition, WASH and Food Security and Livelihoods.

For the last three years and with the same aim of saving lives and empowering the community, we continue to work in the Northern part of Uganda to save lives of refugees and host communities while providing long term solutions to hunger.

To-date, Action Against Hunger is present in and around Bidibidi, Kyangwali, Adjumani and Kiryandongo refugee settlements.

In quarter one of 2019, UNICEF Uganda put out a call for partners. The aim of the call was to identify suitable partners to undertake a Food and nutrition causal analysis.

Based, on the strategic nature of this call, Action Against Hunger USA with support from the France Link NCA (Nutrition Causal Analysis) team made a bid (See Annex 1, Link NCA Methodology) and was successful.

The project begun on 17th June 2019; and is expected to end in a span of three months. Since the signing of the PCA, Action Against Hunger USA has had support from key counterparts in Kenya and Somalia country offices.

However, given the demands from routine work in the respective country offices, these key staff are only available till the end of July 2019. This support request thus seeks to continue with what they have begun; while address key deliverables in this piece of work.

1. Operational objectives (What do we expect from this Link NCA in terms of operational outcomes?)

The objective of this study will be to identify drivers to malnutrition (wasting and stunting) as well as levers and barriers of resilience. The study specifically aims to:

  • Determine the prevalence of under-nutrition.

  • Understand how the wasting and/stunting in this population and its causes changed a) over time due to historical trends, b) seasonally due to cyclical trends, c) due to recent shocks.

  • Have a better understanding of communities’ own perceptions and knowledge about under-nutrition and its drivers.

  • Identify under-nutrition pathways and associated risk factors: Description of local mechanisms, which lead to under-nutrition and their interconnections.

  • Identify of vulnerable groups to major risks factor to undernutrition.

  • Define local community perceptions on risks, chocks and resilience’s capacities. Identify barriers and levers associated with resilience capacities

  • Formulate an action plan to (re)design activities according to the study results.

    2. Studied area and target population.

    The NCA will cover eight districts namely Moroto, Abim, Kaabong, Amudat, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Kotido Karamoja region and four districts of Pader, Omoro, Otuke and Kole in mid-northern Uganda.

    The study will also cover six districts namely Moyo, Yumbe, Adjumani, Nebbi, Koboko and Zombo in the West Nile region.

    The analysis will show similarities and differences across the different agriculture production zones in the 18 selected districts for the outcome and explanatory variables of interest.

    The work will also entail the analysis focusing on the refugee hosting districts (Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo and Adjumani) versus non-refugee hosting districts, and hydromet targeted (Karamoja region) versus non-hydromet targeted districts.

    3. Estimated timeframe:

    The entire Link NCA is expected to last for 3 months as per the estimated schedule

    Engagements with actors: Continuous through process

    Secondary data review: 4 weeks (1-4) – to be conducted by Statistician

    Field survey preparation 2 weeks (2-3)

    Qualitative component: 8 weeks (3- 10)

    Analysis: 2 weeks (11 -12)

    Total: approximately 3 months

    4. Methodology

    a) Preparatory phase

    b) Identifying hypothesized risk factors and pathways

    c) Community level data collection

    d) Synthesizing results and triangulation

    e) Response programming

    5. Objectives of the Link NCA Lead Analyst

    Objective 1: Conduct an analysis of the nutritional causes following the Action Against Hunger – Link NCA guidelines.

  • Present the methodology to the Action Against Hunger coordination team, as well as to the field teams during the process

  • Ensure the participation of the coordination team to be involved in the NCA study; other sectors like WASH and FSL.

  • Liase with UNICEF and Action Against Hunger Uganda to ensure that
    national and local permission to perform the Link NCA is obtained.

  • Review the defined plan of action and results in line with comments received from stakeholders.

  • Work closely with manager overseeing the organization of the Link NCA study (and the following response analysis)

  • Carry out NCA study following the steps outlined in the Action Against Hunger Link NCA guidelines

  • Review and update the Identify livelihoods to be assessed based on secondary data review and inception report

  • Present and validate the list of hypotheses to be tested with technical partners (Academics, government, UN, NGOs) during a workshop.

  • Conduct qualitative research with communities

  • Lead the analysis and interpret results with support from NCA team (deputy analysts and statistician)

  • Ensure that the deputy analysts present and validate the results with the communities

  • Present and validate the results with partners (academics, government, UN, NGOs) during a workshop; timing to be defined and alternative solutions identified.

  • Lead the write up of the final report analyzing the causes of malnutrition by collating input by deputy analysts in a clear and consistent manner.

  • Provide general guidance on the action plan (technical, advocacy, communication, partnership) to UNICEF and stakeholders on how to take this forward based on the findings and recommendations of the NCA

    Objective 2: Team Management

  • Supervise and manage the direct team members

  • Train his/her team on the Link NCA methodology and provide guidance on structure of expected report.

  • Promote respect of the Action Against Hunger Charter and prevent fraud and power abuse

  • Follow research good practices

  • Ensure data protection.

  • At the end of the mission, conduct performance evaluation for each direct team member as a process of building up a pool of persons on Link NCA in Uganda. This can be done within 3 months of completion of task.

    Objective 3: Communicate about the NCA

  • Keeping the Link NCA focal point and/or Technical Unit at headquarters and country focal point, informed throughout the study

  • Produce a summary of the final NCA report of 5 pages max for its broadcast to national partners as well as a one-page executive summary showing the main results of the NCA.

  • Send the final report and these 2 documents to HQ Link NCA focal point and/or Technical Unit. Ensure the publication of the study on Action Against Hunger website.

    Objective 4: Represent and liaise with the authorities, the UN, NGOs and local partners

  • Working with the Manager on facilitating coordination meetings regarding the link NCA

  • Present the key results of NCA to main stakeholders during a workshop

  • Represent Action Against Hunger at local, regional or national level in collaboration with the Country Director and Nutrition Manager (National), and/or the field coordinator and liaise with UN agencies, national and international NGOs and governments *

    6. Expected Deliverables

  • All Quantitative data sets and transcribed Qualitative information collated and raw data sets shared
  • Draft NCA Report developed and submitted
    NCA report disseminated at the workshop and shared program team
  • Final NCA report submitted to Action Against Hunger, Uganda

    7. Profile of the Consultant

  • At least a master degree in anthropology, sociology or related social sciences domains; and when possible in one of field of expertise related to nutrition security.

  • 3-5 years experience and demonstrated skills in applied research in particular qualitative research, writing and analytical skills (may be required to produce sample of previous report).

  • Previous experience in a development or humanitarian context, in particular management and programming experiences.

  • Broad knowledge and experience of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive principles and programming.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Familiarity with Action Against Hunger and acceptance of AAH principles would be an added value.

  • Experience and understanding of the Uganda context is strongly recommended.

    How to Apply:

    Action Against Hunger US invites potential candidates to send their submission package, which should include:

  • CV, detailing qualifications
  • Demonstrated experience in similar assignments undertaken
  • A maximum of 4 pages outlining the consultant's understanding of ToR and proposed methodology, tools and techniques to conduct assignment
  • Detailed Workplan based on ToR and deliverables
  • Financial Proposal with itemized consultant's fees and costs
  • Interested consultants should submit both technical and financial proposals to the following email address: as per below instructions:

    Subject of the email should read: Link NCA Technical Support - Uganda. Deadline for submission: 06th August, 2019

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