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Let's Meet! March 11, 2009 |
A free e-zine bringing you inspirational articles, great tips on studying abroad as well as jobs and scholarships alerts.
Provides you with the most comprehensive Scholarship and Grants updates as they get announced!
Finally, some details on how and when we can meet. For subscribers in Tanzania, I will be in Arusha and Moshi between March 19th to 21st, 2009. Come to Ethiopian Restaurant, Arusha, between 10am to 1pm on any of those days and we could possibly meet.
For readers in Kenya, the dates will be every Monday throughout April at our offices i.e. 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th April. Please call in the first week of April to book appointment and get directions.
Dates and venues for Ethiopia, Malawi, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda and several other countries will follow in subsequent newsletters.
Today’s list of scholarships and grants include:
- UNESCO/ANSTI Awards for attending Conferences and Workshops - Reach Undergraduate Scholarships - African Health and Humanitarian Systems Scholarship - Wits MBA Bursaries for Africa - Trust Africa Scholarships - Conference & Training Grants - Postgraduate Commonwealth Scholarships - MSc Water and Environmental Management Scholarships (Distance Learning) - Jamaica Undergraduate and Postgraduate Commonwealth Scholarship - Ireland International Scholarship Programme - e8 Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships - International Human Rights Training Grants - €1,000 Master International Scholarships - Africa Research Scholarships - Fully funded LLM Scholarships - Agriculture Scholarships (for graduate students from developing countries) - Fully Paid African Development Bank Internships - International Student Scholarships in UK - Study at Home or Abroad Master and PhD Scholarships - MBA & M.Sc in Agricultural Economics Scholarships (Africa & Denmark) - MSc Public Health Scholarships, MSc Tourism Management Scholarships & MA World Heritage Resource Management Scholarships
* And many more!
Click here to read the newsletter! Then click on the each headline for more details about the scholarship/grant.
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This week’s thought - Winning!
"There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it."
- Napoleon Hill.
Please circulate the newsletter as widely as possible, I will be very grateful for that and am sure potential recipients will be very grateful to you too!
Take care and let's stay in touch!
Kind regards,
Joe Ngugi.
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P.P.P.S. Please spread the word, recommend or forward this free newsletter to friends and family.
The site is free to use. Your friends or family may be eligible and successfully apply for the scholarships or jobs listed on the site.
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