This service could help to develop Africa for ever.

by Simon Kirui
(Heilbronn, Germany )

Thank you very much Joe for this wonderful website to advance our continent. Personally I have not yet got something that could suit my situation but I am very grateful that others might have and are still benefiting from it, and because of this I appreciate your work.

I know very well that when one of my brother or sister from Africa succeed from the help of this web I also benefit in one way or another. I believe that there is something for me as well.
Sometime it is not easy to find it, but with our suggestion on how we could be helped to find what we want and long for, it will be possible to have something that could suit everyone who has an interest in developing oneself and the continent as a whole.

Please try to categorise some scholarship that could suit different levels. I should think or suppose that you might be aware that there at home (Africa) are many people who are interested in studying but they cannot easily get a way out due to different circumstances: I would like to single out one disadvantage that is common to those who come from rural areas, that is: Age. My question and a request is whether there could be a way that this limitation could be resolved to enable many pursue there goals.

I think many from Africa fall short of many scholarships opportunities due to late chances for them to take up their education, reason to this is well known to most.... Poverty at home.

Thank you very much and keep up the wonderful job, Long live Africa and Peace to you and Especially Kenya!!!!!!

Arap Kirui


Thanks Simon. Unfortunately many organisations and universities put an age limit to their scholarships. I wish many would be open.

Lets hope it is something that can be addressed in future.


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