WIGS Small Travel Grants

WIGS is able to set aside a small amount of money each year to help fund the research activities of;

a) postgraduate members,

b) members who are within three years of completing a PhD and have no other source of funding, and

c) other part-timers who are not eligible to apply for research funding from their institution or from a research council.

The money is intended to support members engaged in any activity central to their research, including presenting work at conferences in the field of German studies.

The awards fall into three categories:

  • Funding to present work at conferences:

    This support will not normally exceed £100.

    It will usually be limited to venues in the UK, Ireland or German-speaking areas.

    When applying, please attach a full outline of your costs and project, and details of any other institutional support to which you have applied / will apply (e.g. from your own university, or the AHRC), and the date by which the outcome of the application will be known.

    The deadlines for such awards are 1 March, 1 June, 1 September, 1 December.

  • Funding to carry out research abroad:

    A grant, which will not exceed £250, to carry out research abroad.

    The deadlines for such awards are 1 October and 1 March only.

  • When applying for this research grant, please provide:
  • A completed application form (click here to download application form)
  • A 200-word description of your project
  • A reference (in the case of postgraduates, this should be written by your supervisor)

  • For current postgraduates only:

    WIGS is able to provide a contribution towards the travel costs of postgraduates attending a WIGS annual meeting.

    It cannot provide support to cover the meeting's fee or accommodation.

    Applications for this support must be made via e-mail to the Treasurer (a.hammel[at]sussex.ac.uk) by one month before the date of the conference giving details of expenses.

    Please apply by e-mail to the Treasurer a.hammel[at]sussex.ac.uk) for all awards, attaching the details as requested above.

    For more information see: WIGS small travel grants