Coastal Zone Management Master's Scholarships - Gotland University, Sweden

International Master Scholarships » University Scholarships » Educational Grants

The Swedish Institute will award Design for Coastal Zone Management Master's Scholarships.

The number of available scholarships varies from year to year, and competition is keen.

The scholarships are for students from targeted developing countries, in order to help grow special competencies where they are most needed.

Coastlines are an important source of wealth for countries via fishing, tourism and shipping.

Developing coastal resources sustainably reduces the risk of pollution, erosion, and disappearing fish stocks.

This programme looks at such issues, focusing also on the importance of regional and global cooperation.

Application for these scholarships is to be stated in the application to the chosen Masters Programme.

For more information and application, see: Coastal Zone Management Master's Scholarships

More: International Master Scholarships » University Scholarships » Educational Grants